

Tanya Prince, ISD279 School Board Member

Welcome! Thank you for electing me to serve as one of your ISD279 School Board Directors for the term ending December 31, 2022 and Dec 31, 2026.  Serving our district and community is an honor and great responsibility that I never take lightly.

In 2018, I ran for school board because I believed we had a strong school district with a foundation to accelerate and build upon. Now, after five years, I continue to believe this and see our strength in curriculum, career pathways, extra-curriculars, and community support.  

My vision continues to center on ensuring our district is the preferred choice for parents, scholars, and teachers. I envision a future for our district in which every child’s unique skills and capabilities are nurtured and enriched through variety, engagement, and educational innovation. I envision a district culture in which teachers are encouraged to experiment, pilot, and bring forward their best ideas everyday. This has been the core of my work as a board member and the voice I bring to every board meeting, work session, and public event. Our strategic plan is a starting point for this vision and it centers on creating a culture of excellence, creativity, and integrity, while focusing on the intrinsic value and potential within each of us.

Over my time on the board, I have consistently worked to accelerate the strengths of our district including the variety of our educational choices, exceptional facilities, robust community partnerships, and strong fiscal stewardship, while addressing the areas that need improvement such as the achievement gap among multiple demographics and the gap in outcomes among some of our schools. I have continually focused on clear goals and actions and evaluated decisions from a scholar-centered perspective.

As community members, parents, scholars, and educators, we all share in our district’s mission “To inspire and prepare all scholars with the confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams; contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning.” In evaluating our current environment, our partnership across all stakeholders is more critical than ever before. We must serve together in this mission. We must accept accountability for the role we each serve to ensure we create a culture of excellence within our district, in our homes, and in our community. Through this, it is essential that we understand that our scholars each have their own story and their own path to accomplish their individual success story. Thank you for electing me to serve a second term. Together, I believe that our district can build on its unique set of educational opportunities to support each scholar on their path to achieving their dreams.


Tanya Prince 

(formerly Simons)

See Meet Tanya tab to learn more about my background and experience